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Multnomah Presbyterian Church is currently in need of a full-time pastor.

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November, 2023

The Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC)'s work to prepare a Mission Discernment Profile (MDP) for the next permanent pastor at MPC has been completed, and Session has approved the MDP. Session has decided to pause on the next steps of the PNC process until early January, as pledging and budgeting for 2024 will greatly impact decisions going forward.


Spring 2023

The PNC is currently working through the Ministry Information Form (MIF) Narrative Questions to guide us in creating a job posting.


October 25, 2022

On Sunday, October 16th the congregation voted in a PNC. The committee members are Jesse Black, John England, Dick Eyberg, Adrienne Gassaway, Courtney Tomastik, Valentine Hellman, Lisa Shelley, and Nancy Unrath. The PNC held its first meeting with our Committee on Ministry (COM) liaison, Joanna Dunn from Bethany Presbyterian Church, who outlined the initial steps. John and Dick were elected as co-chairs, with Jesse as the communications person.


September 30, 2022

Session met with our liaison, Joanna Dunn of Bethany Presbyterian, and the meeting was facilitated by Ted Buck, a pastor at Columbia Presbyterian. Since it was a regular Session meeting, we were able to approve the position description for a temporary pastor who will serve as an interim for 6-12 months. During this time the PNC, which will be voted in during the October 16th Congregational Meeting, will work on identifying candidates for the permanent pastor position. While we will not need to complete a new Mission Study as a congregation, the PNC will have discussions about who we are as a church post pandemic as part of the process.


Currently we have pulpit supply set up through the beginning of November, and the sermon series is "Many Voices, One Song," so we encourage you to join us over these next few weeks.  


August 2022

We are currently in process of forming a representational committee that will be charged with the mission of finding our next pastor. This committee will work with a liaison from Presbytery for guidance with the process and once these steps are determined, they will be communicated out. 


Are you a pastor seeking a church?


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